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New customers please download our terms and conditions with a short questionare about you and your pet/s here:

Pet Boarding Agreement.pdf

This should be printed and completed prior to arrival

On arrivial please keep your pet/s in your vehicle until documentaion has been completed.



“Where we talk to the animals”


  1. My dog/s is/are fully vaccinated against parvovirus, hepatitis, distemper and canine (kennel) cough, eg Canvac 4plus, Canvac BB Vanguard plus 5, & Coughguard B, and IMMUNITY TIME FRAME ALLOWED. (10 days minimum) Immunity timeframe allowed for KC Intranasal vaccines (3 days minimum).
    Non-current vaccinated dogs will not be boarded.

  2. My cat/s are fully vaccinated against feline infectious enteritis feline respiratory diseases, chlamydia and IMMUNITY TIME FRAMES ALLOLWED (10 days minimum)
    Non-current vaccinated Cats will not be boarded.

  3. I give the proprietors full authority to seek veterinary attention should they deem it necessary and/or any anaesthetic or surgery at my expense, including transport costs.

  4. I have provided all information concerning special problems or behavioural issues of my pets and special diets, allergies or medications that may pose a risk to my pet or others. I/we undertake to advise the proprietors of any changes to the information recorded in this agreement prior to the commencement of any boarding period.

  5. I acknowledge that while the proprietors and their employees will take all reasonable care, they cannot be held responsible for injury, death, loss or damage of any kind whatsoever that may occur to my animal or personal belongings (eg own bedding, leads etc)

  6. I agree that in the event of arrears or after due notice in writing, the proprietors shall have the right to rehome or make appropriate arrangements for any pet/s abandoned or left, and this shall not release me from liability for any unpaid fees or charges.

  7. I understand the proprietor’s right to accept or decline boarding my female dog/s (bitch/s) when in season, subject to certain conditions prevailing at that time. A surcharge of 50% may apply.
    Entire (unneutered) male cats cannot be accepted for boarding due to spraying issues.

  8. I understand the proprietors reserve the right to charge for facilities for all days booked during PEAK holiday periods, including unused days and late cancellations.
    Bookings will be confirmed for peak times upon the receipt of a non-refundable $75.00 booking fee.

  9. While at Country Paws my pet may be photographed and I give permission that this may be used on the Country Paws website or on other promotional media.

Worming and Fleas

Please ensure your pet has been wormed within the last 3 weeks or no later than 2 days prior to boarding with us with a broad spectrum wormer. It is also highly recommended that your pet has also been treated for fleas. If we need to treat your pet then these costs will be passed onto you.

We also reserve the right to place dogs where we feel is appropriate to enable the smooth running of our facility

If you have someone else collecting your pet/s for you, we will need your authority to release your pet and they will need to provide us with appropriate identification.

Thank you for entrusting us to care for your pet.

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